Saturday, September 15, 2012

Welcome to my blog

Hello! My name is Rebecca Powell. This is my first semester at BYU-Idaho and I love it so far! Everyone I have met so far has been really nice and friendly, my classes have all been interesting, I really enjoy my roommates, I love my apartment, and most of all I love the Spirit I feel all over campus and how gospel-oriented all of my classes are. So, just a little bit about me: I came up here to Idaho from Katy, Texas, though I call Idaho home because both of my parents grew up in Idaho, we visit almost every summer, and most of my family lives here. I have 6 people in my family, including me: my parents, a big brother, a younger sister, and a little brother.
My eldest brother is actually 2 years married with a little boy just born this past April.
I'm an aunt and I ADORE my little nephew!
I am majoring in Marriage and Family Studies with an emphasis in Home and Family. I absolutely LOVE horses (though, sadly, I'm very allergic to them) and have tried my hardest to learn as much as I can about them, even though I have never taken riding lessons are gotten anything close to owning one! I am taking a cluster in Equine Sciences though; I'm so excited! My favorite colors are pink and blue, I love to read, and I taught myself how to play the piano when I was 8 and have been very slowly progressing since then. I also play the violin and love to sing. I love and am very grateful for my family, including my extended family, and wish I could spend time with them every day! Lastly, I am very grateful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and all of the blessings and guidance it has provided me throughout my life. I look forward to the rest of my semester, the things I will learn and the friends I will make!


  1. Very nice, Rebecca!

    Bro Williams

  2. I love the baby pictures! :)


  3. you. are. not. real. but your nephew is cute! :)

  4. Your nephew is so cute!!! Great to hear that college is going well :)

  5. It sounds like you really are enjoying this new faucet of your life. Families are great and I'm glad you think so. Continue to enjoy the learning.

