Saturday, December 8, 2012

Divorce & Remarriage

Well, it was the last week of the year. Sadly, I don't have a whole lot to say about what we talked and learned about (divorce and remarriage), but I'd still like to share what I have:

  • Divorce spiked about the 1970s because of the introduction of "no fault" divorce, where a couple could divorce even though neither was being abusive, etc.
  • 2 years after their divorce, 70% of Americans believe that they could have and should have saved their marriage
  • There is a difference between joint physical custody and joint legal custody:
    • physical = physical sharing of kids (part time with Dad, part time with Mom)
    • legal = both legal parents (can sign things, etc.)
  • Cohabitation makes kids 5X more likely to be molested
  • It takes 2 or more years to reach normalcy
  • Birth parent should provide the discipline of their child(ren) for those first 2 years or so
  • The step parent should play the role of an aunt/uncle (be the kid's/kids' close friend, provide support) for those first 2 years or so
    • this allows time to adjust and accept the new parent and get to know them
  • However, even though the birth parent is enforcing the discipline, both parents should discuss what to do before it is done
Well, that is all I have to share with you this semester from my Family Relations class. I hope you took something away from my posts! I really enjoyed this class and can't wait to learn more about families through the rest of my college career!

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